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The Wired instrument operates in Online condition to measure and directly display the values of Total Leakage Current and Third Harmonic Resistive Leakage Current. It provides system harmonic compensation as per IEC 60099-5-B2. It provides Corrected Resistive Leakage Current after applying correction factors for change in system voltage & temperature.

लीकेज करंट मीटर

SA 10i the Leakage Current Meter from SCOPE is a State of the Art, hand held, on-line test system for Residual Life Assessment of Surge Arresters. The instrument measures and directly displays the values of resistive and total leakage current.

SA 30i प्लस वायरलेस लीकेज करंट एनालाइजर

The instrument measures and directly displays the values of Total Leakage Current and Third Harmonic Resistive Leakage Current. It provides system harmonic compensation as per IEC 60099-5-B2. It provides Corrected Resistive Leakage Current after applying correction factors for change in system voltage & temperature.

सबसे लोकप्रिय उत्पाद
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