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TTRM 102 आर्ट प्रिसिजन सिंगल फेज ट्रांसफॉर्मर टर्न रेशियो मीटर

TTRM 102 along with turns ratio, measures ratio deviation, phase angle deviation, magnetizing current and detects tap-position of single phase transformer in charged switchyard condition. The range of AC voltage selection offers high accuracy in measurement. The instrument has an in-built TFT display with a touch screen and thermal printer.

टर्न रेशियो मीटर - TTRM 302

It is designed for field testing and factory testing of all types of power transformers, instrument transformers and distribution transformers. Along with turns ratio, this lightweight and reliable instrument measures ratio deviation, phase angle deviation, magnetizing current and detects tap-position of single as well as three phase transformers.

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